Harmonized Sales Tax for Canadian Resellers

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British Columbia Harmonized Sales Tax (Effecting only HEXONET Canada Customers in Canada)

Legislation to enact the harmonized sales tax (HST) only July 1, 2010, has been passed by the Government of Canada and provincial government of British Columbia.  The HST must be charged on the sale of most supplies, goods and services made or sold in British Columbia.  The HST is in total a 12% tax, consisting of the 5% federal portion (GST - Goods & Servicces Tax) and a 7% provincial tax (PST - Provincial Sales tax).

Please note that this tax only affects Canadians who are with HEXONET Canada.  Effectively, if you have been paying the federal GST on your invoices previously, this means you will be levied the HST starting July 1, 2010.